Converting electric vehicles, what does it take to make a breakthrough?
To achieve the goal of converting to electric vehicles, according to many experts, new and truly groundbreaking mechanisms and motivations are still needed.
In recent years, Vietnam has had many policies to develop electric vehicles, but according to experts, compared to many countries in the region, it still has not penetrated much. For the electric vehicle conversion to achieve its goals, we still need new, truly groundbreaking mechanisms and driving forces.
Outstanding policies of Indonesia and Thailand
Compared to other countries in the region, Indonesia and Thailand have superior policy frameworks for electric vehicles. Thailand is pursuing a policy called "30@30", the goal of achieving the proportion of electric vehicles accounting for 30% of the total number of vehicles produced in the country by 2030. Electric vehicle manufacturers are allowed to import vehicles into Thailand for sale. with a ratio of 2:1, meaning for every imported car sold, two cars must be produced locally.
Electric vehicle incentive policy packages for buyers in stages (currently EV 3.5 package, effective from 2024-2027), subsidies from 50.000 - 100.000 baht (1.375 - 2.750 USD) for electric cars with selling prices retail price of less than 2 million baht (55.000 USD) and using a battery with a minimum capacity of 50 kWh, a subsidy of 5.000 - 10.000 baht for electric motorbikes costing no more than 150.000 baht using a battery with a minimum capacity of 3kWh.
In the first two years of implementing the EV3.5 incentive package, imported electric vehicles will be subject to a 40% import tax ceiling. Special consumption tax reduced from 8% to 2% for imported electric vehicles priced under 2 million baht.
Indonesia also applies incentives during the fiscal year. This year, the Indonesian government subsidizes a maximum of 50.000 electric cars, with support of 80 million rupees (5.200 USD) for each pure electric car and 40 million rupees (2.600 USD) for each hybrid car. electricity) is sold.
From February 20, Indonesia eliminated special consumption tax (2% tax rate) on electric vehicles in fiscal year 11 and import tax until the end of 2024. Therefore, electric cars sold in Indonesia are supported. Subsidies and incentives include USD 2025 (for buyers) and USD 5.200 (special consumption tax exemption), plus import tax exemption.
Promotion period is getting shorter
In Vietnam, domestically produced electric vehicles have special consumption tax reduced from 15% to 3% (applied until February 28, 2).
Regarding registration fees, Decree 10/2022 stipulates that battery-powered electric cars within 3 years from March 1, 3 are exempt from paying the first fee. Within the next 2022 years, the fee will be 2% for gasoline and diesel cars with the same number of seats.
Compared to gasoline/diesel cars, a reduction in special consumption tax (-12%), a reduction in registration fees (-10%) helps reduce the cost of rolling an electric vehicle by 22% compared to a gasoline car with the same number of seats. . However, incentive milestones are getting shorter, time is running out.
For example, by March 1, 3, the electric vehicle registration fee will no longer be 2025% but will increase to 0% of the fee for gasoline cars. The time until March 50, 1 is less than 3 year. As for special consumption tax, the 2025% rate for electric vehicles is only valid for less than 1 years.
Regarding tax rates on electric vehicle assembly components, many electric vehicle component sets that cannot be produced domestically are given incentives or tax exemptions such as: "Engine ECU and other controllers used for motor vehicles." ", "The speaker has not been assembled into the speaker housing", "Motor vehicle collision sensor"...
The knots need to be removed
Worth mentioning, we also had a proposal to support electric car buyers with an amount of about 1.000 USD/vehicle, but there was no consensus for many different reasons.
According to Associate Professor. Dr. Dam Hoang Phuc (Hanoi University of Science and Technology), some European countries subsidize specific amounts of money for electric car buyers because they have a quantified, legalized budget to change consumer behavior. car.
This budget is part of an overall strategy to combat climate change and improve the environment. Tax revenue from corporate organizations that emit CO2 is quantified into money by the government, regulating this amount into subsidies for consumers to choose green vehicles.
An expert from the Ministry of Finance said that Vietnam cannot directly subsidize electric car buyers like other countries. Because if you want to subsidize a specific product, you need to reflect on many laws.
For example, price laws, see if that item is subject to state subsidies or price stabilization. On the other hand, price subsidies also take into account whether the goods are imported or domestically produced, because if the price is subsidized, it must subsidize the price of imported goods, otherwise it will become discrimination.
To have more motivation to promote electric vehicle development, many opinions say that Vietnam needs strong support for charging station infrastructure.
Ms. Nguyen Thi Phuong Hien, Deputy Director of the Institute of Transportation Strategy and Development, said that experience drawn from countries that have developed and are developing electric vehicles shows that charging stations are the key to success for the green transition process. . Studies show that if you invest 1 VND in a charging station, the efficiency will be from 1,4 to 1,45 VND compared to investing in a vehicle.
“What is lacking in Vietnam today is the legal corridor and charging station business environment, lack of regulations and electricity price policies, causing risks for charging station investors. Because charging station development in our country is still in the early stages, stronger support from the State is needed. Electricity infrastructure and electricity prices for bus charging stations are also problems that need solutions from competent authorities," Ms. Hien analyzed.
The article is taken from Giao Thong newspaper: