
What is a greenhouse gas inventory report? Instructions for conducting a greenhouse gas inventory report

What is a greenhouse gas inventory report? Instructions for conducting a greenhouse gas inventory report

Decision 13/2024/QD-TTg on the list of establishments required to conduct greenhouse gas inventories is a warning bell for establishments with emissions of 3000 tons of CO2 equivalent or more annually to urgently develop a roadmap to assess the current situation and roadmap to reduce emissions. This is not only an obligation but also an opportunity for businesses to transform themselves to reach new heights. So what is a greenhouse gas inventory report and how to do it? Together GREEN IN Find the answer in the content below!

1. What is a greenhouse gas inventory report?

Theo Decree 06 / 2022 / ND-CPGreenhouse gas inventory (GHG) is the activity of collecting information and data on greenhouse gas emission sources, calculating greenhouse gas emissions and greenhouse gas absorption within a specified scope and in a specific year according to methods and procedures issued by competent authorities.”

A greenhouse gas inventory is a detailed “information sheet” that records all the greenhouse gas emissions an organization emits in a given year. The report typically focuses on the major greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O) and fluorinated compounds, which are then converted to tonnes of CO2 equivalent.

What is a greenhouse gas inventory report?

Since 2022, Decree 06 / 2022 / ND-CP has clearly stipulated the obligation of enterprises to report greenhouse gas inventories. Specifically, enterprises must submit inventory reports to the Provincial People's Committee before March 31, 03.

2. Current status of greenhouse gas inventory in Vietnam

Follow United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)Vietnam has started the process of sector-level greenhouse gas inventories since 1994. The objective of this is to assess the overall amount of greenhouse gas emissions arising from production activities in sectors to develop national reports on climate change.

Status of greenhouse gas emissions in Vietnam

Since 2000, Vietnam has conducted five greenhouse gas inventories. The results show that our country's greenhouse gas emissions have continuously increased over the years, mainly due to the rapid development of industries and economic growth.

Specifically, Vietnam's greenhouse gas emissions increased from 150,9 million tons of CO2 equivalent in 2000 to 316,7 million tons of CO2 equivalent in 2016, showing a significant growth rate.

3. Which businesses need to prepare greenhouse gas inventory reports?

Theo Decision No. 13/2024/QD-TTg, facilities with emissions of 3000 tons of CO2 equivalent or more annually in 05 areas including energy; transportation; industrial processes; construction and agriculture, forestry, land use will be included in the greenhouse gas inventory list according to regulations. 

The ultimate goal of greenhouse gas inventories is to help businesses gain a clearer view of the amount of emissions they produce, thereby finding effective reduction solutions. Thereby, businesses not only contribute to environmental protection but also enhance social responsibility.

Businesses need to report greenhouse gas inventories

Article 5 of Decree 06 emphasizes that not only enterprises are required to conduct greenhouse gas inventories according to the list, but other organizations are also encouraged to implement greenhouse gas emission reduction based on the conditions of the facility. Voluntary participation in the inventory not only helps protect the environment but also brings many benefits to the enterprise itself such as improving its image, reducing production costs and creating new competitive advantages.

4. Structure of greenhouse gas inventory report

As prescribed at Appendix II of Decree 06/2022/ND-CP, the structure of the grassroots greenhouse gas inventory report is divided into 3 main parts:

The first chapter of the report provides basic information to clearly identify the inventory subject, including name, address, business activities and related legal information.

The second chapter delves into the analysis of the facility's production and business activities, identifying the main emission sources and factors affecting emissions. This is the core part of the report, providing the database for calculating emissions.

The final chapter presents the results of the inventory, including emissions figures, the calculation methods used, and an assessment of the reliability of the results. This is an important summary section, providing an overview of the facility's greenhouse gas emissions.

greenhouse gas inventory reporting structure

5. Guidance on preparing greenhouse gas inventory reports

With the goal of joining hands to protect the environment and respond to climate change, businesses need to proactively develop and complete greenhouse gas inventory reports.

5.1. Stages of report preparation

The process of developing a greenhouse gas inventory report includes four main stages: Determining the scope and boundaries of the inventory, field survey, data collection, calculation and report development.

In Vietnam, the calculation of greenhouse gas inventory results must be based on the emission factors published at Decision 2626/QD-BTNMT dated October 10, 10 , and Document 327/BĐKH-PTCBT dated March 19, 3 on the emission factors of the Vietnamese power grid. For emission factors not specified in Vietnamese legal documents, IPCC references can be used. 

Developing a greenhouse gas inventory report requires accuracy, meticulousness, and compliance with applicable regulations.

StageMain job content
1. Determine the scope and boundaries of the inventory- Identify emission ranges: direct and indirect
- Determine the organizational boundaries and scope of operations of the facility serving greenhouse gas inventory activities 
2. Field survey- Identify and determine the facility's emission sources 
- Collect relevant data
3. Collect data - Develop relevant data collection forms for emission sources 
- Conduct collection, review, comparison, and inspection to ensure compliance with legal requirements and international guidelines. 
4. Calculate and develop greenhouse gas inventory reports- Use collected data to calculate emissions, compare with standards and generate reports as required.
- Prepare greenhouse gas inventory reports upon request 

5.2. Method of calculating greenhouse gas emissions

To calculate greenhouse gas emissions, we use the formula:

Greenhouse gas emissions = Emission factor x Activity data

In which:

  • Emission factor: This is an indicator that shows the average amount of greenhouse gases emitted when using a unit of energy or performing a certain activity. For example, the emission factor of electricity is the amount of emissions generated when producing 1 MWh of electricity.
  • Activity data: Is information about the production and energy consumption activities of the enterprise. For example: amount of fuel consumed, number of products, distance traveled...

For example:

  • If a car travels 10km and the vehicle's emission factor is 0,14 kg CO2/km, then the emissions generated are: 0,14 kg CO2/km x 10 km = 1,4 kg CO2.
  • If a company consumes 15.532.929 kWh of electricity in a year and the grid emission factor is 0,8041 tons CO2/MWh, then the emissions generated are: 15.532,929 MWh x 0,8041 tons CO2/MWh = 12.490 tons CO2.

6. Conclusion

Completing a greenhouse gas inventory report is both a legal requirement and an important step for businesses to affirm their commitment to sustainable development. Through the process of controlling and minimizing emissions, businesses not only contribute to environmental protection but also enhance brand image, optimize production costs and create competitive advantages in the global green transformation trend.

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