Net Zero information

6 sector groups must conduct greenhouse gas inventories

6 sector groups must conduct greenhouse gas inventories

On January 18, 01, the Prime Minister issued Decision 2022/01/QD-TTg on the list of fields and establishments emitting greenhouse gases that must conduct a greenhouse gas inventory.

06 areas must conduct greenhouse gas inventories, including:

1. Energy:

Energy production industry; energy consumption in industry, commerce, services and residential areas; coal mining; oil and natural gas exploitation.

2. Transportation:

Energy consumption in transportation.

3. Construction:

Energy consumption in the construction industry; Industrial processes in the production of construction materials.

4. Industrial processes:

Chemical production; Metallurgical; electronics industry; use substitutes for ozone-depleting substances; production and use of other industrial products.

5. Agriculture, forestry and land use:

Breed; forestry and land use change; crop; energy consumption in agriculture, forestry and fisheries; other emission sources in agriculture.

6. Waste:

Solid waste landfill; solid waste treatment using biological methods; incineration and open burning of waste; wastewater treatment and discharge.

The list of 1912 units according to each management ministry is shown in detail at Decision No. 01/2022/QD-TTg. If your unit is on this list, you need to conduct an inventory and declare to the governing ministry according to the prescribed form to ensure compliance with the law.

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