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Israel found a way to store solar energy at night

Israel found a way to store solar energy at night

VOV.VN - The sun is a clean and sustainable source of energy that can provide energy for the entire earth to use for many years.

Solar energy development is of interest to many countries to invest in and is gradually becoming popular, however, the barrier to this energy source is storage, while solar panels (also known as batteries) have shelf life and cause environmental problems. Faced with such a reality, Israeli scientists have found a method to store solar energy at night, promising a sustainable solution.

In the south of Israel there is a rocky desert, where solar panels are almost the main source of energy. But after sunset, the region turns to fossil fuels for energy. Except at Kibbutz Yahel, a small community not far from the Red Sea, where a new technology has begun to store solar energy and produce electricity at night…

During the day, excess energy from the solar panels is sent down to a system where water is used to condense the air and stored in underground tanks. After sunset, air is released to help the turbines generate electricity. This cycle is repeated over and over, meaning that electricity from solar energy is not wasted. This technology is called "AirBattery" developed by Augwind Energy (Israel). 

“This is the first energy storage project implemented in the world, containing only water and air,” said company CEO Or Yogev. Electricity is being stored as compressed gas in underground storage tanks.”


Unlike ground-based systems that operate with condensed air and require significant space, Augwind Energy's product only requires thin steel tanks with special polymer linings, installed right at the power source. quality at a cheaper price. Meanwhile, “AirBattery” technology is 80% efficient in energy storage.

Scientist Gideon Friedman, at the Israeli Ministry of Energy, said this technology has many advantages over energy storage panels.

“Battery energy conservation has some disadvantages. The materials are quite toxic so we cannot throw them away easily, they have a short useful life, meaning they need to be replaced every 5 to 10 years. In addition, some materials to make solar panels are also likely to be in short supply. Augwind's system does not have these disadvantages. It is completely non-toxic and it can run for thousands of cycles with negligible degradation.”

In addition to its sustainability advantages, the AirBattery system also has a fairly competitive cost, on par with batteries, currently at about $250 per kilowatt hour and will drop next year to less than $200 as the company produces more. than. To date, Augwind Energy has raised $60 million from institutional investors.

The world is looking to eliminate polluting fossil fuels, but it will be difficult to rely entirely on renewable sources without energy storage solutions. Therefore, Augwind Energy's initiative can open up potential markets for now and in the future./. 

According to VOV

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